North County Chess Club

NOTICE 3/26/25: To avoid a possible forfeit result, please make sure to use the contact form on the website, for bye requests. Andrew will not be available this week to process your request by phone.

Information for New Members

Tournament Format: We play one game a week for five weeks. The tournament costs $25, and you can enter in the middle of a tournament. Once you have entered a tournament, we expect you to be there every week until that tournament is over. If you are going to miss a week (or more), you must contact us so we can remove you from the pairings. If you don't contact us, you will receive a forfeit loss and be withdrawn from the tournament.

Start Time: Games start at 7pm Please arrive early to register and set up your board. If you are going to be late, please use the contact form on the website to let us know so we can inform your opponent.

Pairing System: We use the Swiss-System for pairing opponents. This system pairs players based on their USCF rating and performance in the current tournament. You don't get to pick your opponent or what color you play. Pairings are posted online but will typically change several times before 7pm.

No Talking: There is no talking once games start until the last game is finished. Also, please silence your cell phones. When your game is over, you can analyze it with your opponent in a separate room.

Touch Piece: Once you touch a piece, you must move it. So be sure of your moves before you make them; you can't take them back.

The Clock: You must use the clock in your games. There isn't a penalty if you forget to use the clock, except your opponent will get to think while your time runs out.

Keeping Score: You must also keep score during the game. This means writing down moves on a sheet of paper. Watch this video if you don't know how. You can stop writing down moves when you have less than five minutes on the clock. You may struggle to keep score for your first few games, but please try. It is easy to do, and you will learn fast.

Other Rules: Please read the rules page for more information.

What to Bring: You should bring a chess set, clock, scorebook, and a pen or pencil. Here are some recommendations:

Video Tutorials

Study Resources

Please contact us if you have any questions.